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lindsay Macy over 6 years ago

Bring your own sticks to the gym! Yes we know you boys are strong and can flex the girls sticks...Do not use other peoples stuff, unless you ask! If it's not yours don't touch it! If you have brought stuff out of the gym thats not yours, bring it back!! We are missing a few sticks and a Silver Yeti cup that I would really like back!! Respect each other!!

lindsay Macy over 6 years ago

“There is no way around hard work. Embrace it. You have to put in the hours because there’s always something which you can improve. ”

- Roger Federer

lindsay Macy over 6 years ago

Too often, players believe that displays of temper, anger, & frustration show that a person is highly competitive. Actually, when athletes show these kinds of emotions, they are the opposite of true competitors, for they have allowed their emotions to get the best of them. Displays of temper, anger, and frustration are just wasted, unfocused energy. True competitors control their emotions in difficult moments. They don’t let adversity knock them off track in pursuit of their goals. They channel their emotions to get back to doing what needs to be done to overcome the challenges they face. True athletes and competitors have a perfectly disciplined will. Their spirit can never be broken!


lindsay Macy over 6 years ago

Make sure your worst enemy doesn't live between your own two ears. 

-Laird Hamilton

Darin Schumacher over 6 years ago

IDLA finals start tomorrow. If you are a full time IDLA student, you will take your test at the IDEA office.

761 N Thornton st suite E
Post Falls

Boys you will take your finals on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday at 8:00am. You will get to pick which finals you take each day.

Girls you will take your finals on Monday Tuesday And Wednesday at 1:00. You will also pick which tests you take on each day.

Students that attend another school and just have the 1 IDLA class will start their finals on Tuesday.

Good luck!

lindsay Macy over 6 years ago

“I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”

– Michael Jordan

lindsay Macy over 6 years ago

Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn't work hard!!

lindsay Macy over 6 years ago

“Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.”

– Michael Jordan

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